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    Brand Messaging, Content Writing, Copywriting,
    Copyediting, Proofreading and French Translation
    Choose your words wiselyTM

    Categories: Writing

    Language Legends

    As copywriters, copyeditors, proofreaders and translators, our heroes are people with a gift for words. In this new regular addition to our blog, we’ll be looking at the men and women whose voices transcend...

    Write on

    Even professional writers get stuck from time to time. It happens. And when it does, it’s positively terrifying. Imagine, if you will, a terrible, horrible bully staring you in the face, mocking...

    A request.

    If you’re one of those people who correct people’s spelling on social media, we kindly ask you to stop doing that. It’s annoying. It serves absolutely no purpose other than to embarrass. And honestly,...

    Author review: Nick Bland

    As of this writing, Re:word has three heirs apparent, all under the age of four. Naturally, we’re preparing them to take over as soon as possible so we can retire to the yacht. That means exposing them...

    A most versatile two-letter word.

    “Yo.” It can be a greeting (Yo, guy!), an expression of excitement (Yo, that’s dope!), a shortening of “your” for effect (Yo mama), a request for a moment to formulate your thoughts (like these...

    We Love This

    We recognize that alcohol abuse is a disease. But this post isn’t about that. This post is about a fantastic play on words that had us giggling for at least a few minutes, and stirred up that jealousy...

    Extra Effort

    Dan went apple picking this week with his kid and twelve other kids. It quickly descended into little shits throwing apples at one another and tired parents trying to avoid black eyes. Good times. And...

    The Dream Client is a Dream No More

    We’re not horn-tooters. For the most part, we sit in our little office pounding out words. We get happy when a client gives us the opportunity to make ourselves laugh. We get happier when someone comes...


    We’re not fans of overusing exclamation marks. Like swear words, using exclamation marks sparingly enhances their meaning. Or so we believe. The upcoming generation doesn’t think so. According to a...

    Apple’s Upset Core

    Apple’s dashboard comes with a great dictionary/thesaurus. It’s intuitive. It’s easy to access. And for an offline tool, it’s impressively comprehensive. We use it all the time and, until this...

    How to Write a Resignation Letter

    As much as you probably can’t wait to drop the bomb and get outta there, the actual drop itself can be a bit daunting when the time comes to resign from your job. You want to word it just right so you...

    Writing for Love vs. Money

    “Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money.” – Moliere Depending on what stage of your career you’re at (as a writer), that...