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    Categories: Writing

    The Lost Art of Letter Writing

    Can you believe there was actually a time when waiting on someone’s reply lasted weeks, if not months? And people these days struggle to respond to texts in the same day, blaming it on “being too busy.”...

    Praise the Post-it Note

    Bookmark, reminder, confession, lunch note, organizer, art medium — you name it. Post-its have played the role. Sex and the City’s Carrie Bradshaw even got dumped with one. Heck, the notes outlining...

    A quick experiment

    The other day, Dan’s two-and-a-half-year-old discovered this video on YouTube. Click the link and skip ahead to the 1:47 point and watch the Lion song. It’s less than a minute. Do it now then...

    We love Donald Trump. Seriously.

    By Dan & Gina Now, now…before you get all judgmental and “well-I’d-never-work-with-these-idiots,” just keep reading. We don’t love the Donald’s adversarial, bullying approach. We don’t...

    Watch Your Commands: Ad Words That Bite

    When you’re advertising to people, you need to be approachable. Think of how you’d talk to someone if you knocked on their door. You have a very short period of valuable time in which to win them over....

    Texting Etiquette for Saying What You Mean

    As many of your arguments can probably attest, intent in text messages is often lost. Tone and body language aren’t there, so words have to speak for themselves. While we often do our best to say what...

    How to Write a Speech for Someone Else

    You’re a wordsmith, a whiz with words, a connoisseur of content, a prodigy of prose — you get the idea. So in light of that, your non-wordsmith colleagues come to you to write their speech. Here are...

    How to Write the Perfect Greeting Card

    With the holiday season behind us, the surplus of unique sentiments got us thinking of what makes a good card so good. (We’re talking about the ones we wrote for our own special someones, although we’d...

    What Makes Good Writing Good?

    With all the bad and (closely second) mediocre writing out there, seeing real quality is refreshing for any level of word nerd out there. Assuming all the words are correctly arranged and grammatically...