We recognize that alcohol abuse is a disease. But this post isn’t about that. This post is about a fantastic play on words that had us giggling for at least a few minutes, and stirred up that jealousy that only writers feel when they see something awesome: I love it. But I hate myself for not coming up with it first.

The best part about this piece is that it’s a simple business card. There was no mass media buy, no huge social push and no celebrity endorsement. Just ten words put together to tell a pretty funny joke and introduce a service.
And introduce it they did. From what we were able to ascertain, this card generated hundreds more calls for these guys than they were getting before the cards went out.
And yes, the under-sensitive among us have a problem with it. They think it makes light of a serious problem. They’re right. But we don’t care. Because it’s funny. And in a little bit of irony, it’s the people so bent out of shape about this who probably need to call the most.
The lesson here for all you aspiring writers is that you don’t need to outspend the competition or spend weeks devising an elaborate disruption. Here’s a simple joke with a simple call to action.