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    Categories: Uncategorized

    Inquire vs. Enquire

    Having recently come across this particular distinction, we thought it would be noteworthy to clear it up. Inquire, meaning to ask for further information, is generally interchangeable with enquire —...

    Distinguish Between Irregular Plurals

    The following sets of irregular plurals are so commonly confused that you may not even know there were singular and plural versions of them. Especially when heard in spoken word, the wrong usage sounds...

    Tips to Avoid Repetition in Your Writing

    It happens to the best of us. Words that we use regularly like to hang out in our subconscious. And some linger for longer than others, eventually making their way into our writing through our natural...

    Which is the correct past tense?

    The following examples ought to clarify the confusion many have regarding which version of the past tense to use. There seems to be a misconception that one is correct and the other isn’t, however, this...

    The Run-down on Capital Letters

    For the most part, distinguishing between when it’s appropriate to use capital letters is pretty straightforward. Places like the start of a sentence and people’s names are no-brainers. However, there...

    To Join Words or Keep Them Separated?

    Are we going all together or travelling as a whole altogether? This distinction is often confused. So, we thought we’d bring our attention to it so you can avoid any future misuse. The following examples...

    The Importance of Following a Style Guide

    If you’re involved in any sort of business, you’re bound to create written material that will in some way, shape or form communicate what you’re doing with the rest of the world. To ensure your...