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    Don’t Let A Typo Ruin Your Reputation

    Although they come off as tiny, insignificant, miniscule mistakes, typos are far from that. It can happen to the best of us. As we’re typing away at lightning speed, we forget to add the apostrophe in...

    Tips To Stay Focused While Editing

    Staying focused on a single task without getting distracted can be challenging—especially when you don’t have someone standing over your shoulder. Left to our own devices, this can prove to be quite...

    The Importance of Reading for Writers

    Just like visiting art galleries helps artists hone their craft, the same goes for reading for writers. Of all languages ever spoken, English contains the most words (over 250,000). That leaves us with...

    Conjunction, What’s Your Function?

    Conjunctions are a quintessential part of our everyday language. Being one of the nine parts of speech (along with nouns, verbs, articles and such) their job is to connect. Unfortunately, conjunctions...

    Beware the Buzzword

    We’re all guilty of throwing a buzzword in here and there. And with their prevalence in everyday language nowadays, it’s hard not to use them. So what are they? Buzzwords are industry terms that sound...

    Wave vs. Waive and Waver vs. Waiver

    You’ve got to love those crafty homophones. For this month’s vs. post, we thought we would offer up a two-for-one. Wave, waive, waver and waiver all sound similar, and it’ll help to keep you on your...

    5 of the Most Common Grammar Mistakes

    The world of grammar encompasses a wide range of language rules and an even wider range of ways to mess those rules up. If you’ve ever written anything longer than a few sentences, you’ve probably...

    To vs. Too vs. Two — the Saga Continues

    This month’s “vs.” selection deals with three words that are often confused, even though one of them refers to a number. If you listen to someone speak, you’ll notice that some version of this...