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    Brand Messaging, Content Writing, Copywriting,
    Copyediting, Proofreading and French Translation
    Choose your words wiselyTM

    Categories: Uncategorized

    Language Legends — Cicero

    As copywriters, copyeditors, proofreaders and translators, our heroes are people with a gift for words. In this new regular addition to our blog, we’ll be looking at the men and women whose voices transcend...

    Language Legends

    As copywriters, copyeditors, proofreaders and translators, our heroes are people with a gift for words. In this new regular addition to our blog, we’ll be looking at the men and women whose voices transcend...

    Five of the best speeches ever recorded

    Most of our copywriting, copyediting, proofreading and translation work is for content that’s meant to be read. Once in a while, we get the chance to work on speeches and it’s such a treat. It’s...

    Clever copywriter or too clever by half?

    We used the phrase “too clever by half” the other day in a presentation. It’s one of our favourites. The wiktionary defines it as “shrewd but flawed by overthinking or excessive complexity, with...

    Long-form blog post writing — The primer

    A funny thing happened over the past few years: long-form content has made a huge comeback. It’s funny because not too long ago, when the trend was moving more and more micro, the “experts” concluded...

    Two lessons from an effective brainstorm

    A few weeks ago, one of our agency clients brought us in for a brainstorm. It’s always a hoot to jump in on one of those, partly because it gets us out of the office and into a different environment...

    You too can create a social media holiday

    When marketing managers come to us for copywriting, we like to give them ideas that jump off the page instead of simply words that live on it. Creating a social media holiday would most definitely qualify....