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    Categories: Writing

    Tips for Making Your Writing “Engaging”

    Whether you are a professional writer, a student or a small business owner who prefers to tackle your own blogging and web content, you’ve probably read about the importance of making your writing “engaging”...

    What the Heck Is a Heteronym?

    If you’re like most people, you’ve heard of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. They’re part of the basic English curriculum in every school, after all. However, you may have breezed through every grade,...

    What Is Persuasive Copy?

    The simple (and lazy) way to answer this question is to say persuasive copy is copy or content that is designed to persuade people to do things. And while that is completely true, the real meaning goes...

    Writing a Press Release? 5 Tips for Success

    If you own or run a business, charity, club or other type of organization that needs to ‘get the word out’ about anything, you may end up writing a press release at some point to accomplish your goal. ...