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    And it's off!

    Thanks! As soon as your request makes it through cyberspace, we’ll give it a look. Until then, enjoy the best of Niles Crane. Pound for pound, there’s never been a better TV character.

    Brand Messaging, Content Writing, Copywriting,
    Copyediting, Proofreading and French Translation
    Choose your words wiselyTM


    Kill it with clarity.

    Earn buy-in faster.
    Get money sooner.
    Be greenlit quicker.
    Go home earlier.

    Getting to first draft.

    Our line editing team collects thoughts in writing or voice notes, then puts it all together for initial feedback.

    Moving to final draft.

    We address reviewer edits, seeking guidance from you as needed, then proof the final for presentation.

    Managing content by committee.

    We take in each contributor’s section and consolidate it all into one cohesive voice or many distinct voices.

    Stress-testing your content.

    We’ll come at the piece as your audience would, call out any holes in your argument and recommend fixes.

    We advocate exclusively for the message and the audience receiving it. We don’t do egos or org charts.

    Why Re:word?

    Research intent and integrity is always maintained.

    Information is conveyed in the fewest possible words and with the most possible punch.

    Questions and suggestions are addressed quickly.

    Copywriting and copyediting professionals work together for two sets of eyes and two sets of skills on the messaging.

    A Re:word copywriter, line editor or copyeditor will handle all your revisions.

    If you prefer to handle your own edits with our help, Re:visions is also available as a consultative service. We can interview you and your people and get to the root of your message, so it comes through clearly.

    Get more of the outcomes you want. Book a call to discuss your next project.

    I need Re:visions.

      And it's off!

      Thanks! As soon as your request makes it through cyberspace, we’ll give it a look. Until then, enjoy the best of Niles Crane. Pound for pound, there’s never been a better TV character.

      More messaging that matters

      If it’s on the list, we can do it. If it’s not on the list, we can probably still do it. Either way, let’s talk.