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    Tag Archive: grammar tips

    Wave vs. Waive and Waver vs. Waiver

    You’ve got to love those crafty homophones. For this month’s vs. post, we thought we would offer up a two-for-one. Wave, waive, waver and waiver all sound similar, and it’ll help to keep you on your

    Personality Traits of Highly Effective Copy Editors

    Here at Re:word Communications, we’re under the impression that we have some of the most effective copy editors in the industry. Whether it’s a white paper, a term paper, a website or a training manual,

    Tips for Making Your Writing “Engaging”

    Whether you are a professional writer, a student or a small business owner who prefers to tackle your own blogging and web content, you’ve probably read about the importance of making your writing “engaging”

    What the Heck Is a Heteronym?

    If you’re like most people, you’ve heard of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. They’re part of the basic English curriculum in every school, after all. However, you may have breezed through every grade,

    Then vs. Than…Yes They Do Have Different Meanings!

    If you needed even more evidence of how one letter can make a big difference, ‘then vs. than’ is a great example. People make mistakes with these two words all the time, but they often slip by unnoticed