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    Categories: Editing

    The Importance of Following a Style Guide

    If you’re involved in any sort of business, you’re bound to create written material that will in some way, shape or form communicate what you’re doing with the rest of the world. To ensure your...

    Tips To Stay Focused While Editing

    Staying focused on a single task without getting distracted can be challenging—especially when you don’t have someone standing over your shoulder. Left to our own devices, this can prove to be quite...

    5 of the Most Common Grammar Mistakes

    The world of grammar encompasses a wide range of language rules and an even wider range of ways to mess those rules up. If you’ve ever written anything longer than a few sentences, you’ve probably...

    Self-Editing Tips Every Writer Should Know

    No matter what you are writing, editing must be part of the process if you hope to impress your audience. Professional editing, with human experts going over your work, is always the best approach, but...