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    Tag Archive: professional writing

    Step 1 — The brief

    When a copywriting job comes in, the first thing we do is create a brief. If you’ve worked agency before, you know that some briefs should really be called lengthies or novels or endless streams of written

    How to Write a Speech for Someone Else

    You’re a wordsmith, a whiz with words, a connoisseur of content, a prodigy of prose — you get the idea. So in light of that, your non-wordsmith colleagues come to you to write their speech. Here are

    Misused and Overly Exaggerated Words

    Next time you read a body of text, pay closer attention to what’s actually being said. More than likely, you’ll notice some terms and expressions that are used in ways that don’t quite fit when you

    How to Find Your Perfect Writer (in 3 Easy Steps)

    Business owners have very particular ideas about how they want things to sound. As they should. It’s their business, their baby. They want everything about it to be perfect. But not all of us have a