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    Tag Archive: grammar

    The Difference Adding an –e Makes

    Not only does adding an e at the end of a word change the pronunciation in many cases, it also changes the meaning of the word entirely. This is an all-too-common mistake that we thought was worth bringing

    How To Correct People Without Being Pompous

    There is a time and place to summon the grammar police. If you’re always correcting people on their misuses and misspellings, then you become that guy. And no one likes him. But there are times when

    Conjunction, What’s Your Function?

    Conjunctions are a quintessential part of our everyday language. Being one of the nine parts of speech (along with nouns, verbs, articles and such) their job is to connect. Unfortunately, conjunctions

    5 of the Most Common Grammar Mistakes

    The world of grammar encompasses a wide range of language rules and an even wider range of ways to mess those rules up. If you’ve ever written anything longer than a few sentences, you’ve probably