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    Brand Messaging, Content Writing, Copywriting,
    Copyediting, Proofreading and French Translation
    Choose your words wiselyTM

    Tag Archive: branding

    Eight qualities of strong personal branding

    Peter Montoya’s personal branding is on point. From the first few words on his website, you know what he’s all about. So you go to a piece he wrote on LinkedIn, and it’s in line. Then you want more,

    A Great Tagline. A Great Company.

    A few years ago, we were bouncing around the idea of replacing “Choose Your Words Wisely.” In retrospect, it was a silly exercise because we have a great tagline. But one alternative we quite liked

    The Best Advertiser on Earth

    Volkswagen comes close. So does Nike. MasterCard hit a few out of the park. But from where we sit, nobody does it better than The Economist. If you’ve never heard of The Economist, it’s a British current