The problem with writing is the immediacy and relative ease by which something can be changed. It doesn’t take a ton of effort to open a copy deck on your computer and do something different.

And so, when some clients want you to make a copy change, they think it’s that easy.

Those are the clients we don’t have. We have the others. The ones who see value in the writing process. The ones who are never in “hurry up and wait” because they were prepared beforehand for any directional changes.

We work with clients who take chances, who want their messages to stand out. And that’s why they pay us.

Sounds like the kind of client you want to work with? We don’t blame you. So send your resume and/or portfolio to

We’re looking for copywriters, technical writers, copy editors, proofreaders and F-E/E-F translators. We’re not married to full-time freelance. But either way, our office is among the best in the city.