Watch this.

Then watch this.

Then try to say they’re not the most brilliantly written songs you’ve heard today. You won’t be able to, because they’re objectively brilliant.

Think about it: Putting 171 countries and 50 states together in an order that (a) rhymes, (b) keeps to a beat and (c) doesn’t omit anything. Like, ANYTHING!

Sometimes, when we’re between projects, we try whipping one of these up for ourselves, y’know, to keep the fingers loose. One afternoon in our old building, we rhymed off everyone on the floor:

There’s Mel and Amy, Pam and Jen and Chris and Ian too.

There’s Gina, Lee and Wong and Tom and Grace the cockapoo.

Brooke and Jodi, Murf and Dan, Sara, Ron and Ryan

Shannon, Crissa, Steph and Bec, who’s young but really tryin’.

It was time well spent.

As is any time spent with the Animaniacs, like this ditty from Pinky & the Brain. Those two kill us.