Writing is writing is writing. Right? Wrong. In so many ways, all the types of pen to ink find their differences. In this instance, we’re talking about the actual writing process. The following is a direct comparison of how various aspects of the writing process differ when done for pleasure and when done for work. Agree or disagree as you please.


Pleasure: Deadlines are more of an idea, really — like a soul. They can be moved around at your own volition, in no hurry. Great ideas take time to develop; you can’t rush creativity. “One day” is very common.

Work: Stress levels increase exponentially as the deadline approaches. This is usually in line with productivity.


Pleasure: You’re constantly inspired. Big, world-changing ideas circulate in places like the shower or your bed right as you’re about to fall asleep and your computer has been turned off. That’s ok, you’ll remember them tomorrow morning and write them down then. Mhmm.

Work: Ninety-nine percent of the time, inspiration is non-existent. Not really. Brilliance in these instances tends to strike after the assignment has already been submitted. Ah well, better luck next time.

Caffeine Intake

Pleasure: Comprised of casually sipping a large tea or cappuccino (in your favourite mug, no less) whilst on a balcony or looking out of a window. Life is beautiful and time is of no consequence.

Work: Start your day with a regular coffee, soon progressing into black coffees (note the “s”). This later turns into shots of espresso, followed by a trip to the 24-hour convenience store to buy a case of energy drinks whose cathartic crushing can only mean work is getting done.


Pleasure: After an embarrassing amount of increasingly questionable Buzzfeed quizzes, ironing clothes you don’t wear anymore, vacuuming the house and cleaning the eaves, you eventually find the time to get it done. At this point, the deadline (if it exists) is looming dangerously close.

Work: See above.